Addicted to Leadership with

John Parhm Jr.

20+ years of experience can help your leadership projection


Grow In Your Role


Transition Your Career

Why give John Parhm Jr. my valuable time?

Simple! I understand your time is just that…. valuable.  I know this because my time is valuable.  Time is our most precious asset.  The last thing I want to do is utilize your most valuable commodity unless I can give you something worthy of your time.   What I can give you is the ability to be a leader in whatever walk of life you see fit to use it in.

What to Expect


Goal Set


If your goal is to be a success at whatever you do, leadership is not an option.  I promise you one thing.  You’ve never seen a successful person at anything who was not a leader.  Great father…. leader. Great mother…. leader.  Great manager…. leader.  Great athlete…. leader.  Are you starting to get the picture?  Let me help you paint your picture!

Why I am qualified?

I possess more than 20 years successful leadership experience in the following fields….

  • Sales
  • Healthcare
  • Customer Service
  • Happy marriage
  • Happy Father with a happy family

Get In Touch

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